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From our Festival Manager, Nena:

A huge thank you to all the volunteers for this year's NYS Sheep & Wool Festival! This enormous event is almost entirely staffed and organized by a community of volunteers - without them, we could never bring this festival to life. To those donating time year-round to plan each competition, workshop, auction, tote bag design, vendor layout, and fleece sale, we appreciate your dedication and hard work! And to those volunteering before and during the festival, folding t-shirts, sorting fleeces, setting up chairs, managing the educational barns, we're so grateful for your enthusiasm from the early mornings to the end of the longest days. Thank you for sharing your efforts with DCSWGA and the NYS Sheep & Wool Festival Committee.


We'll see you next year - 10/21-10/22/2023!


Message from our President of DCSWGA, Claire:

Thank you to all our members and volunteers for their time and talents which made this year’s Sheep and Wool Festival such a success.  

I know most of you are so busy in your own area on the fairgrounds that you miss out on seeing everything that is going on.  I invite you to watch the live-streamed video that Backyard Green Films has on YouTube.  There is footage from both days, and it is a great snapshot of what we are all about. 

Day One 

Day Two


There is also a podcast devoted to the Fleece Sale and fleece judging, which can be found at their website  

Episode 179:  Mary (Badcock) Had A Little Fleece


Thank you again for all your hard work!






NYS Sheep & Wool Festival: Welcome
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